The Major System - Assigning sound to numbers

The mnemonic Major System

The Major System is a phonetic method of converting numbers into sounds for constructing words. It is a fundamental building block for our Peg Word Systems we will learn next. Too many memory experts gloss over the rules of the Major System, so in our video clip we will spend a good 20 minutes covering it thoroughly so you get sufficient exposure to this important phonetic system.

The Major System method associates numbers 0 through 9 to specific consonant sounds. Using this method, you can turn the number 735 into “camel" by inserting vowels among the consonants since we know K="7", M="3" and L="5", so “camel" --> K ae M ah L --> 735.  

The usefulness of the Major System goes beyond just remembering numbers. You can also combine this method with the Peg System, to help memorize a numbered list, such as a grocery list or a list of historical events with dates, by associating numbers with words easily visualized such as “shoe," “Oreo", or “dough." After learning the basic rules of this system in under 20 minutes, you might never see numbers in the same way.

Build up on your foundation, and learn Major System constructed Peg Words.  It is also really powerful to combine methods such as constructing a memory palace to situate your Peg Words with spacial places (or loci).

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